Did you know? A bug happened on Instagram during Halloween. Indeed, during the creepiest celebration of the year, numerous users receive a notification informing that their accounts were suspended. This bug was on an international scale because of the flood of tweets posted that night in various languages.

Even unsuspended accounts were tricked by losing a massive number of followers corresponding to the number of suspended accounts that were part of their subscribers.
It is not the first time that Instagram had this informatic dysfunctional, so here some tips to solve the inconvenient situation:
First, don’t panic! It is statistically low that your account is blocked indefinitely. Learn more about the current situation on others social media like Facebook or Twitter or tap on the internet search bar “Instagram’s bug”. By searching for information, you will know if this bug is an internal problem of the company or an intentional sanction by the social media.
For this outage, Instagram alerted its community through a Twitter’s publication.

While waiting for more information about the problem solving, you can:
- Check that you have not violated Instagram rules,
- Check the downdetector website, to see the status of Instagram service.
If you are curious to know more about this international bug, click on this link:
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